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  • Tại sao chọn Việt Nam

    Việt Nam (tên chính thức: Cộng hòa Xã hội Chủ nghĩa Việt Nam), nằm tại khu vực Đông Nam Á (ĐNA), đã chính thức mở cửa để chào đón các nhà đầu tư nước ngoài bằng việc đưa ra mô hình đổi mới kinh tế chính trị (gọi tắt là “Đổi Mới”) vào năm 1986. Gần 21 năm sau, Việt Nam tham gia vào thỏa thuận quan trọng với Tổ chức Thương mại Thế giới (“WTO”) vào năm 2007, tiếp theo đó là Cộng đồng Kinh tế ASEAN vào tháng 12 năm 2015 và 66 Hiệp định thương mại song phương khác nhằm tăng cường hội nhập và mở rộng các cơ hội giao thương trong nền kinh thế thế giới

    • Là thị trường mới nổi có tốc độ tăng trưởng kinh tế cao

    • Thị trường nội địa rộng lớn

    • Chi phí sản xuất và nguồn nhân lực có tính cạnh tranh

    • Ưu đãi đầu tư hấp dẫn

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    • Vị trí địa lý chiến lược cho hoạt động sản xuất, chế tạo

  • Bản đồ vị trí

    Nghệ An, Vị trí đắc địa cho Vận chuyển và Giao thông tại Việt Nam

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  • Tin hoạt động

  • Khách hàng của chúng tôi

    • 1. Goertek

      1. Goertek

    • 6


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  • Trách nhiệm xã hội

    Chính sách của WHA chính là đảm bảo cho doanh nghiệp, cộng đồng và môi trường được phát triển ổn định và bền vững

    WHA Vietnam Co-Organizes Successful Seminar on Vietnam's Economic Landscape and Investment Opportunities for 2024

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    WHA Vietnam Co-Organizes Successful Seminar on Vietnam's Economic Landscape and Investment Opportunities for 2024

    Nghe An, Vietnam – On July 24, WHA Vietnam, in collaboration with BIDV Nghe An, VSIP, and Deloitte, successfully hosted the highly anticipated seminar "Vietnam's Economy in 2024: Opportunities, Challenges, and Solutions for Businesses." The event provided invaluable insights into Vietnam's economic outlook and investment situation, equipping nearly 100 participants with essential information to make informed business decisions. Distinguished Speakers and Key Highlights: The seminar featured a distinguished lineup of industry experts and thought leaders who shared their knowledge and vision on many aspects of Vietnam's economic landscape and investment prospects: Mr. Can Van Luc, Chief Economic Expert at BIDV and Member of the National Financial and Monetary Policy Advisory Council, delivered a comprehensive analysis of global economic trends, including the slowdown and green growth initiatives. He provided an insightful forecast of Vietnam's economic performance and growth prospects, along with a discussion on opportunities and challenges for businesses in the current economic environment. Mr. Le Tien Tri, Head of the Management Board of Dong Nam Nghe An Economic Zone, reviewed the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) achievements in 2023 and strategic plans for 2024, emphasizing future expansion plans for industrial parks in Nghe An. On behaft of WHA Vietnam, Ms. Nguyen Thi Ngoc, Senior Manager of Customer Development Department, introduced WHA Industrial Zone 1 - Nghe An. She showcased the industrial zone's smart and eco-friendly industrial solutions and its comprehensive development plan. Ms. Ngoc emphasized the creation of a state-of-the-art industrial estate that meets international standards. The goal is to attract global investors by offering cutting-edge infrastructure, sustainable practices, and innovative solutions tailored to diverse industries. Ms. Nguyen Hai Van of Deloitte Vietnam offered a thorough overview of the tax and customs environment in Vietnam, discussing trends in tax and customs inspections, the investment environment, and VAT refund procedures. Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Tu, Deputy Director, FDI Department, BIDV, presented its banking products and services designed to support FDI enterprises, enhancing their business operations in Vietnam. Positive Impact and Feedback: The seminar received overwhelmingly positive feedback from attendees, who praised the comprehensive and actionable insights provided by the speakers. The event fostered meaningful discussions and networking opportunities, significantly enhancing understanding of Vietnam's economic landscape and investment potential.  
    WHA Supports Nghi Hung Commune Police with Essential Office Equipment

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    WHA Supports Nghi Hung Commune Police with Essential Office Equipment

    Nghi Loc District, Nghe An Province, July 11, 2024 – In a continued effort to support local communities, WHA Industrial Zone 1 - Nghe An has sponsored essential office equipment for the Nghi Hung Commune Police Department. The donation, which includes a computer and a printer, aims to enhance the department's operational efficiency and improve public service delivery. Photo: Mr. Kampol Noramat (Center), Assistant Director, from WHA Industrial Zone 1 - Nghe An, with representatives from the Nghi Hung Commune Police Department in Nghi Loc District, Nghe An Province. The Nghi Hung Commune Police Department expressed their gratitude for WHA's donation. This support is expected to enhance the department's capability to manage administrative tasks and serve the local community more effectively.   WHA Industrial Zone 1 - Nghe An remains committed to supporting local communities through various CSR initiatives, fostering a positive relationship between the industrial zone and the surrounding areas.  
    WHA Industrial Zone Nghe An JSC Donates VND 500 million  for Nghi Dong Commune Primary School Renovations

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    WHA Industrial Zone Nghe An JSC Donates VND 500 million for Nghi Dong Commune Primary School Renovations

    Nghe An, Vietnam -WHA Industrial Zone Nghe An JSC under WHA Group recently presented a significant contribution of VND 500 million towards the upgrading and renovation of Nghi Dong Commune Primary School. This funding contributes to WHA Group's sustainability goals under the ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) framework.  To facilitate societal advancement, the donation will be used for a series of critical improvements, ensuring a safer and more conducive learning environment for the students. The planned renovations include upgrading the yard, renovating the gate and fence, and overhauling the swimming pool.  Key Renovation Projects Include: Yard Upgrade: Resurfacing and expanding the school yard to provide a versatile space for physical activities and outdoor learning. Gate and Fence Renovation: Installing a new gate and fence to enhance the school's security, creating a safer environment for students and staff. WHA commitment to community development and education is at the heart of our corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives. By funding the renovation of Nghi Dong Commune Primary School, WHA aims to provide the students with improved facilities that will support their educational journey and overall well-being. We believe these enhancements will create a lasting positive impact on both the students and the local community."  
    WHA Industrial Zone Nghe An JSC Sponsors Fund  for Nghi Hung Community’s destitute

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    WHA Industrial Zone Nghe An JSC Sponsors Fund for Nghi Hung Community’s destitute

    In a heartfelt gesture of community support, WHA Industrial Zone Nghe An JSC has made a donation to the Fund for the Poor in Nghi Hung Commune, Nghi Loc District. The donation was made through the Fatherland Front of Nghi Hung Commune and aims to provide essential support to underprivileged families in the area. The sponsorship aims to provide essential support and resources to families in need, ensuring they have access to basic necessities and a better quality of life. The event is marked by smiles and a spirit of generosity, showcasing the company's commitment to uplifting local communities. Shown in Photo: WHA Industrial Zone Nghe An JSC Representatives donates Fund for Nghi Hung Community’s destitute
    WHA Vietnam supports financial for housing construction of disadvantaged households in Thieu Hoa district

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    WHA Vietnam supports financial for housing construction of disadvantaged households in Thieu Hoa district

    On April 24, WHA Vietnam coordinated with Thieu Hoa District Fatherland Front Committee to present financial support housing construction for 2 poor households in extremely difficult circumstances WHA Vietnam continues to wholeheartedly support building housing for disadvantaged households, enabling stability in work, production, economic development, sustainable poverty alleviation, and legitimate prosperity. Shown in Photo: Representative of WHA Vietnam and district leaders awarded financial to support housing construction for Mr. Nguyen Sy Lam at Nguyen Thang village.