• 뛰어난 숫자

    WHA Industrial Development (WHA ID) 는 33년 이상의 경험을 바탕으로 주로 태국의 동부 경제 복도 (EEC) 에 위치한 10,900헥타르 및 875,000제곱미터의 기성 공장 및 물류 단지를 대표하는 태국과 베트남에서 12개 이상의 산업 단지를 개발했습니다. 당사의 산업 고객은 자동차, 석유화학 및 기타 분야로 855명의 개별 고객으로 구성되어 있으며 투자 추정치는 431억 달러입니다

    • 30+

      경험의 년

    • 12+

      산업 단지

    • 11,380+

      개발 된 산업 토지의 헥타르

    • 945+

      다국적 기업들

    • 765 K

      SQ.M. 준비된 공장 및 창고

  • 어째서 베트남인가

    베트남 (베트남 사회주의 공화국)은 동남 아시아 (SEA)에 위치하여 있으며, 1986년의 정치 경제 재건 운동 (Doi Moi)를 통해 국가의 문을 공식적으로 개방한 후 해외 투자자들을 환영하고 있습니다. 약 22년 후인 2007년, 베트남은 세계무역기구 (WTO)와 중요한 협약을 맺었으며, 2015년 12월 아세안 경제 공동체 (AEC)에 가입, 세계 경제 통합 및 사업 기회 증진을 위한 크고 작은 66개의 무역 협정을 체결하였습니다.

    • 높은 경제 성장

    • 거대한 국내 시장

    • 전략적인 제조 위치

    • 경쟁력 있는 인력 자원

    • 투자 개방 정책

    • 높은 투자 인센티브

  • 위치지도

    응에안 성(Nghe An), 베트남에 물류 및 운송이 통합된 주요 위치.

  • 뉴스 및 예정 된 활동

  • 우리 고객

    • 1. Goertek

      1. Goertek

    • 6


    • 2


    • 7


    • 3


    • 8


    • 4


    • 9


    • 5


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    • 13


  • CSR & 환경

    태국에서 베트남 산업 단지 개발로 확장함에 따라 우리의 비즈니스, 커뮤니티 및 자연이 조화롭고 지속 가능한 방식으로 공존하도록 하는 것이 WHA 그룹의 정책입니다.

    WHA Supports the ''Mother’s Companion – Connecting Love'' Program on Vietnamese Women’s Day

    행사 및 CSR 활동

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    WHA Supports the ''Mother’s Companion – Connecting Love'' Program on Vietnamese Women’s Day

    In celebration of Vietnamese Women’s Day, WHA Industrial Development extended its support to the Nghi Dong Women’s Union for the "Mother’s Companion – Connecting Love" program. This charitable initiative aims to assist underprivileged children and families, providing essential support and care to the local community. On behalf of WHA Industrial Zone Nghe An JSC, Mr. Ngo Khac Toan, Senior Manager, presented the contribution to Ms. Dang Thi Lien, Chairwoman of the Nghi Dong Women’s Union, reaffirming WHA’s commitment to the community’s well-being. This contribution underscores WHA’s dedication to supporting meaningful causes and fostering sustainable development in the region. This donation is part of WHA’s broader commitment to uplifting communities and promoting sustainable growth.  
    WHA Industrial Zone 1 - Nghe An Grants Scholarships to Outstanding Students at the Vietnam-Korea College of Technology

    행사 및 CSR 활동

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    WHA Industrial Zone 1 - Nghe An Grants Scholarships to Outstanding Students at the Vietnam-Korea College of Technology

    Nghe An, 8 October 2024 – WHA Industrial Zone 1 - Nghe An continues its commitment to community development and educational support by awarding scholarships to 20 outstanding students at the Vietnam-Korea College of Technology (VKCT) valued at VND 10 million, were presented during the school's 2024-2025 academic year opening ceremony and the inauguration of the Economic Recovery Program Project. The event, attended by officials from the Nghe An Provincial People's Committee, the General Department of Vocational Education, and numerous local and international businesses, celebrated the importance of fostering future talents in the province. The scholarship initiative is part of WHA’s ongoing efforts to support local education and provide opportunities for students to achieve academic excellence and personal growth. WHA's representative emphasized that the company is honored to contribute to the future success of these students, noting the importance of equipping them with the skills necessary for the region's continued development. "Education is a cornerstone of sustainable growth, and through these scholarships, we hope to inspire students to pursue their goals with determination and pride," the representative added. The partnership between WHA and the Vietnam-Korea College of Technology reflects the company's broader commitment to developing local human resources, creating meaningful impacts in the community, and promoting long-term collaboration with local institutions. WHA Industrial Zone 1 - Nghe An remains dedicated to not only fostering investment and economic growth in the region but also supporting education and community well-being through its various corporate social responsibility initiatives.    
    WHA Industrial Zone Nghe An JSC Empowers Future Generations with Scholarships in Nghi Loc District

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    WHA Industrial Zone Nghe An JSC Empowers Future Generations with Scholarships in Nghi Loc District

    On September 5th, WHA Industrial Zone Nghe An JSC actively participated in the opening ceremony of the new school year by awarding scholarship worth a total of 110 million VND to students in Nghi Loc District. This initiative reflects WHA's ongoing commitment to supporting education and inspiring young minds to overcome challenges and pursue their academic dreams. The WHA teams joined in school opening ceremonies across Nghi Thuan, Nghi Hung, and Nghi Đong communes, where they personally delivered scholarships and shared motivational messages with the students, encouraging them to strive for excellence regardless of their circumstances. At Nghi Hung Primary School: WHA "Empowering Dreams” Ms. Nguyen Thi Bich Lien, General Director of WHA Industrial Zone Nghe An JSC, encourages students at Nghi Hưng Primary School to embrace learning and strive for their dreams despite life's challenges by emphasizing the importance of resilience and education as a gateway to a brighter future. She reminded them that their hard work and determination can lead to remarkable achievements. At Nghi Thuan Secondary School: WHA "Inspiring Resilience and Excellence" Mr. Vo Nhat Quan, Director of WHA Industrial Zone Nghe An JSC, presented scholarships and motivates students at Nghi Thuan Secondary School, highlighting the power of perseverance and dedication in their academic journeys, encouraged students to persist in their studies, reinforcing that every challenge they overcome is a step towards a successful and fulfilling life. His words aimed to ignite a passion for learning and self-improvement among the students. At Nghi Dong Primary School: WHA "Lighting the Path to Success" Mr. Kampol Noramat, Assistant Director of WHA Industrial Zone Nghệ An JSC, presents scholaships and shares words of encouragement with students at Nghi Dong Primary School, urging them to remain steadfast in their pursuit of knowledge. He inspired students by highlighting education as the foundation of success. He urged them to stay committed to their studies and reminded them that their efforts today will SHAPE THEIR FUTURES. The remaining 60 scholarships will be distributed through the Nghi Loc District to reach other students in need, ensuring that WHA’s support extends across the district.   Empowering Students for a Better Tomorrow WHA Industrial Zone Nghe An JSC's scholarship program aims to uplift underprivileged students, providing them not only with financial support but also with encouragement and inspiration. The WHA representatives' presence and words at the ceremonies were meant to ignite a passion for learning, resilience, and the courage to pursue their aspirations. Looking Ahead As WHA continues to invest in educational initiatives, we are excited about the future contributions these young students will make to their communities and beyond. We are proud to play a role in their educational journeys and remain dedicated to nurturing talent and fostering growth in the regions we serve.  
    WHA Industrial Zone Nghe An Supports Local Communes on 70th Anniversary Celebrations

    행사 및 CSR 활동

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    WHA Industrial Zone Nghe An Supports Local Communes on 70th Anniversary Celebrations

    WHA Industrial Zone Nghe An continues to demonstrate its commitment to the local community by supporting the 70th anniversary celebrations of three communes: Nghi Long, Nghi Hung, and Nghi Thuan. As part of its ongoing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives, WHA has contributed VND 50 million to each commune to help organize the celebration activities, marking a significant milestone in their history. On August 21, 2024, WHA Industrial Zone Nghe An provided financial support to the communes of Nghi Long, Nghi Hung, and Nghi Thuan, acknowledging their rich heritage and the vital role they play in the socio-economic development of the region. This contribution is part of WHA's broader mission to foster sustainable development and improve the quality of life in the communities where it operates. WHA is honored to be a part of this historic occasion. WHA believes that by supporting these communes, we are contributing to the preservation of their cultural heritage and reinforcing our commitment to the well-being of the communities around our industrial zone. The 70th anniversary celebrations serve as a time for reflection and recognition of the achievements of these communes over the decades. The events are expected to bring together residents, local leaders, and businesses, fostering a spirit of unity and community pride. WHA's contribution is a testament to its ongoing efforts to integrate with the local community and support initiatives that have a lasting positive impact. As WHA Industrial Zone Nghe An continues to grow, the company remains dedicated to making meaningful contributions that benefit both the economy and the people of the region.
    WHA Vietnam Co-Organizes Successful Seminar on Vietnam's Economic Landscape and Investment Opportunities for 2024

    행사 및 CSR 활동

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    WHA Vietnam Co-Organizes Successful Seminar on Vietnam's Economic Landscape and Investment Opportunities for 2024

    Nghe An, Vietnam – On July 24, WHA Vietnam, in collaboration with BIDV Nghe An, VSIP, and Deloitte, successfully hosted the highly anticipated seminar "Vietnam's Economy in 2024: Opportunities, Challenges, and Solutions for Businesses." The event provided invaluable insights into Vietnam's economic outlook and investment situation, equipping nearly 100 participants with essential information to make informed business decisions. Distinguished Speakers and Key Highlights: The seminar featured a distinguished lineup of industry experts and thought leaders who shared their knowledge and vision on many aspects of Vietnam's economic landscape and investment prospects: Mr. Can Van Luc, Chief Economic Expert at BIDV and Member of the National Financial and Monetary Policy Advisory Council, delivered a comprehensive analysis of global economic trends, including the slowdown and green growth initiatives. He provided an insightful forecast of Vietnam's economic performance and growth prospects, along with a discussion on opportunities and challenges for businesses in the current economic environment. Mr. Le Tien Tri, Head of the Management Board of Dong Nam Nghe An Economic Zone, reviewed the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) achievements in 2023 and strategic plans for 2024, emphasizing future expansion plans for industrial parks in Nghe An. On behaft of WHA Vietnam, Ms. Nguyen Thi Ngoc, Senior Manager of Customer Development Department, introduced WHA Industrial Zone 1 - Nghe An. She showcased the industrial zone's smart and eco-friendly industrial solutions and its comprehensive development plan. Ms. Ngoc emphasized the creation of a state-of-the-art industrial estate that meets international standards. The goal is to attract global investors by offering cutting-edge infrastructure, sustainable practices, and innovative solutions tailored to diverse industries. Ms. Nguyen Hai Van of Deloitte Vietnam offered a thorough overview of the tax and customs environment in Vietnam, discussing trends in tax and customs inspections, the investment environment, and VAT refund procedures. Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Tu, Deputy Director, FDI Department, BIDV, presented its banking products and services designed to support FDI enterprises, enhancing their business operations in Vietnam. Positive Impact and Feedback: The seminar received overwhelmingly positive feedback from attendees, who praised the comprehensive and actionable insights provided by the speakers. The event fostered meaningful discussions and networking opportunities, significantly enhancing understanding of Vietnam's economic landscape and investment potential.